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August 28th, 2015 27 comments

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Big Finish The Sixth Doctor: The Last Adventure

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A very special story which at last provides a heroic exit for Colin Baker’s much-loved Time Lord. Four hour-long episodes, connected by the presence of the Valeyard, the entity that exists between the Doctor’s twelth and final incarnations.

The End of the Line by Simon Barnard and Paul Morris.

The Doctor and his latest companion Constance investigate a commuter train that has lost its way…

The Red House by Alan Barnes

The Doctor and Charlotte Pollard arrive on a world that is populated by werewolves.

Stage Fright by Matt Fitton

The Doctor and Flip visit Victorian London, where investigators Jago and Litefoot explore theatrical performances that have echoes of the Doctor’s past lives…

The Brink of Death by Nicholas Briggs

The Doctor and Mel face the final confrontation with the Valeyard – and the Doctor must make the ultimate sacrifice.

Written By: Nicholas Briggs, Alan Barnes, Matt Fitton, Simon Barnard and Paul Morris
Directed By: Nicholas Briggs



The End of the Line

Colin Baker (The Doctor), Miranda Raison (Constance Clarke), Anthony Howell (Tim Hope), Chris Finney (Keith Pottter), Ony Uhiara (Alice Lloyd), Hamish Clark (Norman), Maggie Service (Hilary Ratchett)

The Red House

Colin Baker (The Doctor), India Fisher (Charlotte Pollard), Michael Jayston (The Valeyard), Ashley McGuire (Sergeant), Andree Bernard (Dr Paignton/Constable), Rory Keenan (Ugo), Jessie Buckley (Lina), Kieran Hodgson (Arin/Dennis)

Stage Fright

Colin Baker (The Doctor), Lisa Greenwood (Flip), Christopher Benjamin (Henry Jago), Trevor Baxter (George Litefoot), Lisa Bowerman (Ellie Higson), Michael Jayston (The Valeyard), Andree Bernard (Susie/Sylvie), Lizzie Roper (Bella)

The Brink of Death

Colin Baker (The Doctor), Bonnie Langford (Melanie Bush), Michael Jayston (The Valeyard), Liz White (Genesta), Robbie Stevens (Coordinator Storin/Nathemus 1), Susan Earnshaw (Lorelas/Nathemus 2)

Producer David Richardson

Script Editor Matt Fitton

Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs

Categorised under: Big Finish, CD, Special Releases



  • Colin fan no. 1

    July 13th, 2017 - 6:54pm

    Got this on big finish bargains for Β£25 which was awesome and I’m glad to not have missed the opportunity whilst it was there

  • thehostproductions

    August 28th, 2015 - 11:11am

    can’t wait to be getting this at the end of September!
    ordered if off amazon so i need to wait πŸ™

  • Trenzalore

    February 6th, 2015 - 1:37pm

    Read about this in the recent DWM and decided then I’ll be buying this πŸ˜€ Colin looks really different, didn’t recognise him in the picture in DWM.

  • Anonymous

    February 6th, 2015 - 1:35pm

    Read about this in the recent DWM, and decided before even seeing it I

  • Vortexsurfer

    February 5th, 2015 - 11:16pm

    It’s funny I was just thinking the other day, “I wonder if BF will ever do this story?”

    Now I just hope that they do the Master’s trial that leads into the TV Movie.

  • the real doctor

    February 5th, 2015 - 7:52pm

    valeyard is the dream lord!

  • The Bus Conductor

    February 5th, 2015 - 12:51pm

    Gary Russell’s novel Spiral Scratch was the Sixth Doctor’s grand exit. How dare BF do this? Why not adapt that, or wait till they are able to? I shall be ignoring this release. Who wants more Valeyard anyway?

    • Anonymous

      February 5th, 2015 - 3:49pm

      i do

    • Merlin

      February 5th, 2015 - 3:58pm

      Spiral Scratch pretty much asserted that the books, audios and comics exist in different continuities within a whole multiverse of possibilities. Personally, I’ve never liked that idea, I like to think every media happened until it ‘unhappened’, so for me, Spiral Scratch is the 6th Doctor’s ending in a nearly identical universe to the actual one we all know, otherwise I can’t enjoy the virgin books alongside the bbc books etc. πŸ™‚

      (And hey, I love the Valeyard πŸ˜‰ )

    • Anonymous

      February 5th, 2015 - 3:59pm

      spiral scratch was good don’t get me wrong but I do feel this is a good idea and perhaps in the future they will make adaptations of spiral scratch

    • The TARDIS

      February 5th, 2015 - 4:35pm

      Surely the whole plot of Spiral Scratch explains how the two can exist side by side? If you choose to believe Spiral Scratch is the Sixth Doctor’s farewell… This is simply another one!

    • Doctorfan

      February 5th, 2015 - 4:40pm

      Spiral scratch was good don’t get me wrong but I think BF are going in the right direction

    • Joe

      February 16th, 2015 - 12:46pm

      Who’s to say this release might lead into spiral scratch or BF might come up with a way in which which both stories are cannon

  • Rikki Krystal

    February 5th, 2015 - 12:28pm

    This is awesome news,can’t wait.

  • Anonymous

    February 5th, 2015 - 9:39am

    I wonder why Big Finish are ending the 6th Doctor stories…unless Colin Baler has decided to call it a day…?

    • booboo

      February 5th, 2015 - 9:41am

      no its not that, this leads up to his regeneration, the story he never got on screen.

    • Anonymous

      February 5th, 2015 - 10:29am

      Oh…so they “could” still make more stories that happened earlier in his timeline. I thought there was a BBC book that already bridged the gap between Trial of a Time Lord and Time and the Rani…weird that the BBC approved this story.

    • booboo

      February 5th, 2015 - 10:29am

      yes that’s it

    • Anonymous

      February 5th, 2015 - 10:35am

      To be honest, I put BF Audio ahead of the books…BF seem to have some control and more or less keep in line with the TV show….however, because the books were published by so many different companies over the years (Target, Virgin, BBC), it all got a little messing in terms of continuity…although, that said…there were some damn fine stories amongst them.

    • The Bus Conductor

      February 5th, 2015 - 12:52pm

      They’re just giving him the exit story he never got, but Gary Russell already did that most satisfyingly in book form. Doesn’t mean he isn’t recording more missing adventures.

    • Anonymous

      December 17th, 2015 - 12:01am

      I like the idea, but another explanation was in the book. When stuff like this happens, somebody is gonna take a hint from Disney and erase 95% of continuity.

  • Daleks 4 Ever

    February 5th, 2015 - 7:38am

    Well, spiral scratch is no longer cannon.

  • 100000BC

    February 4th, 2015 - 8:42pm

    Hopefully the dearly missed Evelyn shall get a namecheck, maybe even a ‘vision’ like the Tom Baker > Davison and Davison > Colin Baker regenerations.

    • Anonymous

      December 17th, 2015 - 12:02am

      That would be cool. Maybe this time the Valeyard will pop up saying “DIE, DOCTOR, DIE!!”

  • matparks08

    February 4th, 2015 - 7:51pm

    Thank you Big Finish for this, just wow! Colin is the ultimate Doctor when it comes to the audios and this should be a absolute classic…do wonder if it’ll link in to Time and the Rani though……

    • Anonymous

      December 17th, 2015 - 12:05am

      It would be cool if it was revealed that the Rani was in league with the Valeyard. Then the Rani stabs Valeyard in the back (literally or figuratively ) and blast the Doctor out of the sky, leading into McCoy’s first episode.

  • matt9982

    February 4th, 2015 - 7:33pm

    There are no words to describe how exited I am for this πŸ™‚


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