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June 14th, 2024 8 comments

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Big Finish The Second Doctor Adventures Conspiracy of Raven

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The Second Doctor and Jamie reunite with Zoe

Old friends are brought back together, but not everything is as it seems, in The Second Doctor Adventures: Conspiracy of Raven, due for release in July 2024.

At the end of the Second Doctor’s run in the classic Doctor Who television series, the Time Lords separated him from his companions Jamie and Zoe, who had their memory of him wiped.

Since then, in Big Finish Productions’ Second Doctor Adventures range, the Doctor has been made to carry out missions for the Time Lords’ Celestial Intervention Agency, and has reunited with Jamie, his memories restored.

And their next adventure will bring the third member of the TARDIS crew back on board…

Jamie has gone missing, while Zoe apparently returns after a lifetime away from the TARDIS. Does even the sinister Time Lord Raven realise the terrifying extent of the conspiracy in which she is embroiled? The Doctor and his friends must fight to uncover the truth.

Doctor Who – The Second Doctor Adventures: Conspiracy of Raven is a brand-new box set comprising three full-cast audio drama episodes, starring Michael Troughton (son of original actor Patrick) as the Doctor, alongside original TV series actors Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury as Jamie and Zoe.

Conspiracy of Raven is now available to pre-order as a collector’s edition 3-disc CD box set (for just £22.99) or download only (for just £18.99), exclusively from the Big Finish website.

The three new stories for the Doctor and his companions are:

Kippers by Nicholas Briggs

  • The Doctor and Jamie have attempted to break free from performing covert missions for the Time Lord agent Raven. But things haven’t gone according to plan. Jamie has vanished, Raven finds herself in a familiar yet strangely disturbing location. And all the while, half-glimpsed, unnervingly perceived… something… fluttering, buzzing, tugging at their very souls…

Catastrophe Theory by Mark Wright

  • When the Doctor comes face to face with Zoe, can he be sure it really is his old friend? Jamie is lost somewhere in the cosmos, and the Doctor must find him. From a pleasure cruiser on course for destruction, to an alien world invaded by savage warriors, the Doctor faces catastrophe at every turn – but what has become of Raven?

The Vanishing Point by Mark Wright and Nicholas Briggs

  • Following the threads of a conspiracy twisting throughout all of time and space, the Doctor and his companions head to the Vanishing Point — a mythical place, said to exist somewhere between science and magic. But it is a journey from which they may never return.

The Second Doctor Adventures: Conspiracy of Raven also features Emma Noakes reprising her role as Raven, the Doctor’s CIA supervisor, and a guest role from Jacqueline King (recently seen as Sylvia Noble in the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials).

Producer and writer Mark Wright said: “The post-War Games adventures of the Second Doctor continue as we delve deeper into a Conspiracy of Raven, but the Doctor finds the truth is more elusive than the alien threat hiding just out of reach.

“It’s such a thrill working on these stories and hearing Michael Troughton’s performance find new dimensions in the role made famous by his father, Patrick. Conspiracy of Raven powers the story forward in a new direction, and it’s never less than a privilege to hear our regular cast bringing these adventures to life.

“We’re a very happy band on these adventures, our studio days full of warmth and fun. This time it was very special to have Wendy Padbury join the team as Zoe Heriot, reuniting her with Frazer Hines as Jamie. It feels so right to honour the history of this classic TARDIS team – but can we be sure all is as it seems?”

The Second Doctor Adventures: Conspiracy of Raven can be pre-ordered in a bundle with The First Doctor Adventures: Fugitive of the Daleks, which was released in January and which stars Stephen Noonan as the First Doctor, for £44 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £36 (download only).

Additionally, Big Finish listeners can save money by purchasing Conspiracy of Raven as part of a 15-release Classic Doctors bundle for just £318 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £264 (download only). A 12-release bundle is also available to purchase from just £216 (download only).

All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release.

Please note: the collector’s edition CD box set is strictly limited to 1,500 copies and will not be repressed.

Categorised under: Big Finish, CD, Special Releases



  • DT

    June 27th, 2024 - 9:01am

    I enjoy this series very much, particularly Michael Troughton’s Doctor, and this cover art is excellent. However, I find it strange that in this post War Games new era, they just brought back Jamie & Zoe.
    I love this TARDIS team but I was hoping for a new companion for this period of the Second Doctor’s life. How about Tarlos from Colony of Fear?

  • Reece

    June 14th, 2024 - 11:56pm

    Love the cover art!

  • rich

    June 14th, 2024 - 11:36pm

    Horrible cover

    • Doctor Mysterio

      June 17th, 2024 - 10:25pm

      I quite agree. Not to my taste at all. Not like the fantastic covers we get on the Third Doctor range.

  • bryan

    June 14th, 2024 - 9:20pm

    Loving this Cover. Christopher Naylor Has done superb covers for the 1st Doctor Range,so pleased to see him continue on the 2nd.

    I have rather liked these. wasn’t sure at first as I thought David had more of his Dad’s vocals than Micheal, but it’s been a lovely surprise to hear him,being very Troughton esq. Of course there has always been a Series 6 B, to make sense of The Two Doctors. Plus Uncle Terrance carried all of it on in his 90s Novels

    • Bellal

      June 14th, 2024 - 11:22pm

      Uncle Terrance. Such a lovely way to acknowledge him. If only he was my uncle .

      Btw Players is probably his best season 6b novel in my opinion

  • Fred

    June 14th, 2024 - 6:33pm

    I listened to volume 1 and thought it was fine, although Michael Troughton was really very good. But I was put off buying volume 2 by the atrocious, almost unlistenable performance for Raven. Not since Richard Briers has a character been so misjudged. The sound design did her no favours in fairness, but the promise of an expanded role sent me behind the sofa. Shame, as the story’s actually quite interesting, although I personally prefer the idea of The War Games leading directly into Spearhead from Space.

  • The Monitor

    June 14th, 2024 - 6:11pm

    I really like that cover, it’s quite Target esque.


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