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May 15th, 2024 1 comment

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CutawayComics Omega Volume 1

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Omega is a graphic novel collecting the 2021 mini-series by Mark Griffiths and legendary British artist John Ridgway, featuring super-villain Omega created by the Oscar winning Bob Baker and who first appeared in the worlds of classic Doctor Who.

The people of Minyos are in revolt against their alien gods. The chaos is being stoked by the rogue god, Omega who longs to free himself from his black hole prison and wreak revenge. But brave Princess Malika, last of the Minyan Royal Family is determined to lead the fight back.

Categorised under: Books, Graphic novels and comics


1 comment

  • Anthony @ FP

    May 17th, 2024 - 11:55am

    This is a great series for those who haven’t read it. The Paradise Towers series is just as good.


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