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August 20th, 2010 136 comments

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4th Doctor In Burgundy Outfit and K9

4th Doctor In Burgundy Outfit and K9

You can pre order this from Forbidden Planet International or

This Doctor masked his brilliant and inventive mind behind a façade of bohemian eccentricity. The longest lived incarnation of the Doctors so far, he was forced to change his body after losing a fight with his old enemy the Master and falling from a radio telescope to the ground beneath him…

K-9 is a mobile computer in the shape of a dog. He was constructed by Professor Marinus to be a companion for him whilst working at a medical foundation in deep space. K-9 is both a huge database and has defensive capabIlities, being equipped with a retractable laser in his nose which can be set to stun or kill. He can integrate with virtually any computer system including the TARDIS and has also helped the Doctor escape many a tricky and dangerous situation.


The Doctor rebuilt K-9 several times, upgrading and improving each version.

In this exclusive release you get the Fourth Doctor in his famous season 18 burgundy outfit and featuring a stunning new head sculpt. He is accompanied by the trusty K-9.

Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • ross campbell

    October 30th, 2010 - 10:40am

    What I don’t like about this set is that K9 is just the same as he was in past releases like he was with Rose in 2006 but the doctor is fantastic!

  • McGann is the Doctor.

    October 24th, 2010 - 2:23pm

    -Speaking of which, he looked pretty great in the Leisure Hive (here we go again) when that enormous thing was off of him, the most beautiful red waistcoat imaginable was in full view. We should have some more 80s-Tom figures. Earlier, he wore these ankle-bashers, as seen here, but in Logopolis he wore his own boots (notice after the regeneration, Davison hadnt changed the clothes but he had now trainers on ❗ because Tom was Gone!! ofcourse) i want one with the hat, the 80s-Tom-Hat was red-purpley. Tom hisself didnt like any the change (80s).

  • Smiler

    October 24th, 2010 - 10:48am

    I think Tom looks awsome in this coat he’s wearing . It’s nice to see Tom in a different coat . It may also be interesting if Tom wore something without a coat!

  • doctor who

    October 20th, 2010 - 7:03pm

    why can’t the figure have ? because they were in the sculpt???????????:?:

  • billey

    October 12th, 2010 - 7:07pm

    The Doctor k9 i havit its winkid.

  • McGann is the Doctor.

    October 10th, 2010 - 7:31pm

    -NEXT entry The 4th Doctor in Ark in Space, who had beneath that tiny red jacket, a brown golf jumper. Then in Peter Davisons Cricket game episode (particularly famous for this game) Blackorchid, nice cricket jumper. With a cricket bat+thatHarlequinn costume from it. Great set! Whatelse? The 3rd had a fabulous green but pale shirt and freeflowing kravate when he escaped from imprisonment from the master. And best there was the Sixth Doctor when things got deserty,on Varos reveal them Suspenders. Felt like that on the way to school. Too hot!

  • McGann is the Doctor.

    October 10th, 2010 - 7:21pm

    I saw the Final ppart of the Leisure Hive last night after midnight (the time). Oh golly, as a Dr Who fanatic/self proclaimedWhovian it often occurs to my mind what shouldd they make as Dr Who figures. Wll frankly, I think theres been enough Cybermen and Daleks and perhaps even almost enough Doctors for now, its time to focus on things like monsters and characters, aliens and best of all, COATLESS Doctors. 😀
    Wve seen a coatless 11th Doctor, but you remember the times when other Doctors had to slip off/lose the coat? cont-next entry

  • Eternal Dalek

    October 5th, 2010 - 5:12pm

    thats wierd my post has disapeared but this is the gif I had on it[img][/img]

  • pupbenny

    October 5th, 2010 - 5:03pm

    Wait! Yes! They did try and make the K-9 into a classic K-9 (I think)! It has dark grey/black things at the bottom! Unlike in the prototype picture! I don’t think the new k-9 figures are like that! 😀

  • pupbenny

    October 5th, 2010 - 4:44pm

    it’s a great figure! 😀

    Or perhaps actually.
    Figure set.
    Yeah! 😎

  • pupbenny

    October 5th, 2010 - 4:35pm

    I go this today! 😀 Or shall I say mine came today! 😀 Well actually it didn’t. :/ It came yesterday but when we were out. 🙁 We got a letter say “You were out” and it described it and it did sound like it. But my dad went to get it today and it is this! 😀 It’s great! 😀 There’s no sonic screwdriver though! 🙁 But apart from that it’s a great figure! 😀

  • GeronimoDoctorWhofigure collection

    October 3rd, 2010 - 1:27pm

    i got the 5th doctor regenerated from ebay it is a really good so the 4th doctor will be even better

  • The Whofan101

    October 2nd, 2010 - 3:27pm

    I ordered this and the rememberence of the daleks set on FP International. They count it as one order. On my one it says part dispatched. Do you think it means it’s dispatched this set (The 4th Doctor And K-9 Set) out? That’s what I think. And I hope that is what it means.

    I’m not BooBoo, but yes, the 4th Doctor set is now despatched, whilst the Remembrance hasn’t

  • Anonymous

    October 2nd, 2010 - 3:12pm

    booboo, I ordered this and the rememberence of the daleks set on FP International. They count it as one order. On my one it says part dispatched. Do you think it means it’s dispatched this set (The 4th Doctor And K-9 Set) out? That’s what I think. And I hope that is what it means.

  • pupbenny

    October 2nd, 2010 - 11:22am

    Booboo, have you got this?

    • booboo

      October 2nd, 2010 - 11:42am

      have you got this?

      Not yet

  • Anonymous

    September 30th, 2010 - 4:04pm

    i know this is out of topic but i ordered the silver nemesis cybermen on saturday and 5 days l8r a.k.a thursday it hasnt come yet and i would like t know when it comes.
    i have bee waiting for this all week :evil::evil::evil:

  • 1

    September 30th, 2010 - 9:15am

    this comes out today

  • harry doolan

    September 19th, 2010 - 2:03pm

    4th doctor rocks,booboo is that a new sonic screwdriver

  • GeronimoDrWho Collection

    September 19th, 2010 - 8:46am

    cool and i got k9 with rose in 2006 but k9 might be different


    September 14th, 2010 - 5:08pm

    i want set badly esspecially for K9

  • McGann is the Doctor.

    September 11th, 2010 - 4:38pm

    Ive been wanting for this since I knew of it. But since my birthday is all 7th Doctor, I probably have krismis instead. I have the Leisure Hive (my most recent DVD of Who) and I need Espace Trilogy ASAP, or krismis aswell :idea:, yeah that wd B the best. For the so mentioned oct18, its the Time and the Rani DVD, signed copy from (if there is one, I better check now), and the DVDs Ghostlight (marvellous story, I look forward) and Survival, which I can watch on the last day of the world, newyears day 2011-2012. And the 80s Tar-

  • booboo

    September 1st, 2010 - 5:37pm

    do you have one

    no its not out yet but i don’t want to try it in case it wont go back on 😯

  • Jamesbondisatimelord

    September 1st, 2010 - 5:22pm

    Booboo do you have one because you said you havent tried the head on yours

  • booboo

    August 29th, 2010 - 9:08pm

    They didnt do dickens or shakesphere so i bet they wont do winston churchill.

    problem is they cant do an historical figure unless it looks like the actual person, not the actor who played them so there wouldn’t be much point

  • who crazy!

    August 29th, 2010 - 8:48pm

    why won’t they do winston chirchill figure

    They didnt do dickens or shakesphere so i bet they wont do winston churchill. 😉

  • Jamesbondisatimelord

    August 28th, 2010 - 7:03pm

    Hoe did you get one?

  • roloboy97

    August 28th, 2010 - 6:56pm

    ok them never mind do you own 1 ❓

  • booboo

    August 28th, 2010 - 3:18pm

    do u know if it was a head removel

    I haven’t tries ours but i don’t think you can change them for other 4th Doctors, different peg arrangement i think

  • roloboy97

    August 28th, 2010 - 2:45pm

    hay booboo do u know if it was a head removel ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓

  • DoctorWho collection

    August 27th, 2010 - 2:02pm

    nice why won’t they do winston chirchill figure


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