Doctor Who Season 1 DVD
The upcoming season of Doctor Who starring Ncuti Gatwa & Millie Gibson follows the Doctor and his companion Ruby Sunday…
51 6 May 2024Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
The upcoming season of Doctor Who starring Ncuti Gatwa & Millie Gibson follows the Doctor and his companion Ruby Sunday…
51 6 May 2024London in the 1920s and Sir Reggie works for Torchwood, saving the world from alien invasions. Really, he relies on the services…
0 5 May 2024Aside from your Sonic Screwdriver, another item to no leave home without before setting off for your next adventure is surely this super wallet!..
4 5 May 2024Measuring 42 x 36 x 20cms it has an internal pocket to divide the space and zipped internal and external compartments with two open side pockets to boot!..
2 5 May 2024This quality handbag which is the perfect addition to any collection, featuring a cool TARDIS design and police-box-blue leatherette effect trim…
2 5 May 2024Morbius has been brought back to life on the Isle of the Dead. But a desperate Captain Argento has called for help and received an unlikely ally….
0 4 May 2024Titan Comics is pleased to announce that it is returning to the TARDIS once more on Free Comic Book Day…
14 4 May 2024Set Composition: Base set features 117 cards, with 3 cards for each episode in Series 5-7, starring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor!..
4 4 May 2024To mark this new start for the latest Doctor, we sent lifelong fan – and Radio 3 arts presenter – Matthew Sweet to test their chemistry…
9 4 May 2024Tom Price and Samuel Barnett star in Torchwood: The Restoration of Catherine, a brand-new full-cast audio drama…
4 3 May 2024When disaster strikes the Proteus, Captain Argento and her crew must fight for their lives and the fate of all Time Lords….
0 2 May 2024June marks the 50th anniversary of the Fourth Doctor’s first appearance. Doctor Who Magazine is celebrating with an 84-page Special Edition…
11 2 May 2024Deathworld is based on the original treatment, written by Bob Baker and Dave Martin, for what later became the tenth anniversary TV serial The Three Doctors….
10 1 May 2024Titan Merchandise bring you the Season One Collection – the world’s first merchandise for the Fifteenth Doctor’s era!…
0 1 May 2024Doctor Who was never really about the Doctor. This is the story of the Time Lord’s companions – friends through all time and space…
25 30 Apr 2024This fan-favourite TARDIS crew star in an expansive six-part story written by James Kettle. It’ll take all the skills they can muster to escape Beyond…..
2 26 Apr 2024In an effort to avert World War III, a World Peace Conference has been arranged by British Diplomat Sir Reginald Styles…
12 26 Apr 2024Have they really gone to heaven, or is something far worse happening? It’s Torchwood. Obviously something far worse is happening…
1 25 Apr 2024