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Search results for doctor who time of the doctor

Warlord Games Movellans

Outwardly resembling humans of different ethnicities, the Movellans are androids from the star system 4X Alpha 4…

2 19 Jan 2018

Lethbridge-Stewart Lineage

The Lethbridge-Stewart name carries with it stories of integrity, honour and courage. But was it always so?…

4 12 Jan 2018

Who Talk The Edge of Destruction

Having survived adventures on prehistoric Earth and the future menace of the Daleks on Skaro, the Doctor’s next adventure,,,

0 9 Dec 2017

Warlord Games Draconians

The Draconians are a race of reptilian humanoids encountered by the Third Doctor. Hailing from…

1 10 Nov 2017

Warlord Games Vervoids

Vervoids are humanoid plants, artificially created by human scientists for slavery. They are harvested…

2 10 Nov 2017

