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May 7th, 2024 30 comments

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Master Replicas Figurine Collection Fifteenth Doctor’s Tardis

Since it first appeared on TV screens in 1963, the TARDIS has evolved with the shape going through changes as the production team built new props. The original version was designed by Peter Brachacki and appeared in the first three seasons.

The current version of the TARDIS was actually introduced during the Doctor’s thirteenth regeneration in 2018. It combines the best of all the previous TARDIS props with definite echoes of the original version used by William Hartnell. It has a stacked roof and a more sophisticated paint scheme than its immediate predecessor.

This model was built by Gavin Rymill. It is 1:21 scale (to go with The Doctor Who Figurine Collection) and stands 139 mm tall to the top of the lamp.

Categorised under: 1:21 Scale Figurine Collection, Collectables



  • Paul Morris

    September 6th, 2024 - 12:15pm

    Put back to October now this is getting worrying

  • Dav

    August 18th, 2024 - 9:52pm

    Anyone worried yet that this is almost 2 months late?

    • booboo

      August 19th, 2024 - 9:22am

      There has been a lot of shipping delays in general, but the lack of communication is worrying, from what i have seen they dont seem to know themselves.

    • anon

      August 19th, 2024 - 2:26pm

      Here comes that Eaglemoss shadow …

  • Drwhofan08

    July 18th, 2024 - 10:48am

    I’m wondering if they come with magazines

    • booboo

      July 18th, 2024 - 10:53am

      I have seen people ask on SM but never seem to reply. No doubt when people start to get them we will find out

    • Drwhofan08

      July 18th, 2024 - 10:55am

      I’m waiting to see reviews of them to be sure if I want them or not

    • daz

      July 18th, 2024 - 2:14pm

      I don’t think we’ll get magazines with the new range. I’ve asked on MR’s Facebook page a few times and just get ignored.

      Although, the amount of people who complained about the magazines on Eaglemoss FB page I don’t blame them.

    • Anon

      July 18th, 2024 - 8:09pm

      The customer service isnt much better. They told me the TARDIS’ had arrived today but could take up to 14 days to arrive. They said something similar about a Alpha centauri i ordered over a fortnight ago but still nothing. God only knows when the new figurines will come through. Weve only just got the pricing for the saucer and we,ve known about that and the TARDIS’ since november of last year.

  • Judooning

    May 10th, 2024 - 9:18pm

    Well it’s been Friday 10th May for a number of hours now and I’m still yet to find anywhere where I can pre-order this?

    • booboo

      May 10th, 2024 - 9:23pm

    • Judooning

      May 10th, 2024 - 9:26pm

      Thanks Booboo. Been heavily relying on their Facebook page for updates but they don’t seem to be one for speedy advertising. Been clicking on the wrong page on their website all day.

    • booboo

      May 10th, 2024 - 9:37pm

      Their PR seems lacking unfortunately, and that background!

  • daz

    May 8th, 2024 - 7:47pm

    Just so people know there are tweaks to be had and these are still just prototypes. The windows will be correct on the actual products as there was a mix up. The lock will be painted gold on the 1st Doctor Tardis too.

    £29.99 each too according to MR facebook page.

    • Anon

      May 8th, 2024 - 8:48pm

      Thats very reasonable. Does that include the 4th exclusive?

    • booboo

      May 8th, 2024 - 9:00pm

      price was mentioned on on a post about the 1st doctor Tardis but i would assume so

  • Drwhofan08

    May 8th, 2024 - 11:15am

    I thought we were meant to get a dalek ship first?

    • Anon

      May 8th, 2024 - 11:20am

      No. 4th exclusive is first for membership holders.
      I,m thinking the dalek saucer might come later as
      a members exclusive hopefully paired up with two other enemy ships.

    • Drwhofan08

      May 8th, 2024 - 1:29pm

      Ill hopefully get the exclusive ones on eBay

  • Drwhofan08

    May 8th, 2024 - 11:07am

    I want to get these but I’m not paying £89 for a membership

    • booboo

      May 8th, 2024 - 11:39am

      The problem is with the membership is if you are only interested in Doctor Who that’s £900 of stuff to get your money back, it also runs Dec-dec so if there was nothing in the old EM range then you wont have been able to make use of it yet and if the 4th Tardis is the only DW exclusive this year then its a high price to pay, as there is no release schedule or even how many items per year you are buying this membership blind really.

  • x

    May 8th, 2024 - 10:58am

    tbh i’m only interested in figurines i hope they start doing them again soon

  • Mrs Croot

    May 8th, 2024 - 2:00am

    I wonder if these are unused sculpts from the planned TARDIS exterior collection from eaglemoss (which only got a rerelease of 11’s) and that 15’s started life as a 13th doctor TARDIS. I’m not saying that as a negative against them, the sculpting on all 3 is great, just curious.

    • Judooning

      May 8th, 2024 - 8:26am

      I’m really disappointed by the look of 15’s but I’m just hoping it’s the angle and tone of the image making it look a little off. Because i really would like to get it.

  • Judooning

    May 7th, 2024 - 10:28pm

    Can you only order it on Master replicas website or will the likes of Forbidden Planet be getting it?

    • booboo

      May 8th, 2024 - 8:50am

      They were looking at retailers but seem to want to go it alone for now

    • Anon

      May 8th, 2024 - 10:05am

      It will be available to buy friday for non club members.

    • Judooning

      May 8th, 2024 - 12:08pm

      I’ll certainly be picking and choosing then rather than trying to get everything. Think I might just get the new era stuff.

  • MZ

    May 7th, 2024 - 9:43pm

    I don’t want to be negative since I’m really glad they’re continuing this line in the first place (especially as prior to this we only had the 11/12 exterior) but is it just me or does the model for the 15th Doctor’s Tardis look a bit off. I’m pretty sure the 15th doctors tardis exterior is the same as the fourteenth’s who had the same as thirteen’s so with that respect it doesn’t look quite right but im not sure whether it’s the frame or the roof which is throwing me off.

    Regardless, they did an excellent job with everything else including the 1st and 4th Doctors Tardis’ especially the roof on the 1st Doctor’s. I’m really hoping we get announcements for new figures next.

    • Bobby Davros

      May 8th, 2024 - 7:28pm

      This Tardis should have white window frames, Tom’s should have the blue ones. The assemblers of these premium products had other ideas.

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