Dr Who Figurine Collection Issue #202 Salamander
Celebrate over half a century of the BBC’s hit series Doctor Who with a brand new magazine and figurine series that covers every year…
0 21 Oct 2021Below are all the posts categorised under Busts, statues, dolls and figurines
Celebrate over half a century of the BBC’s hit series Doctor Who with a brand new magazine and figurine series that covers every year…
0 21 Oct 2021Each figure features two interchangeable breathtakingly realistic sculpted portraits with positionable eyes…
0 16 Oct 2021The Daleks are the Doctor’s ultimate opponents, forever trying to conquer the galaxy. They have engineered many evil and elaborate schemes…
48 8 Oct 2021The Cyber-Controller on Throne Figurine, aka the ‘upgraded’ John Lumic, is the next Special Edition to our Doctor Who Figurines Collection!..
0 22 Sep 2021Looking back thorough Doctor Who history by concentrating on many of the characters from the various incarnations of the show…
0 9 Sep 2021We at Robert Harrop Designs have been creating collectable hand painted figurines for over 30 years and have gained a well earned reputation of high quality…
63 27 Aug 2021Get ready for a journey through time – introducing The Eleventh Doctor’s TARDIS Model which joins our Doctor Who Figurine Collection!…
29 25 Aug 2021As the Doctor’s most feared enemy, the Daleks continue their ruthless pursuit to conquer the universe. Now the Supreme Dalek…
0 30 Jul 2021As the Doctor’s most feared enemy, the Daleks continue their ruthless pursuit to conquer the universe. Now the Supreme Dalek…
0 30 Jul 2021Complete with a detailed 20-page magazine, read every adventure detailing the appearance and impact of the character…
1 29 Jul 2021The Cyberman (The Pandorica Opens) Figurine is accompanied by a 16-page magazine featuring information about your figurine and its appearances…
1 21 Jul 2021The iconic The Fourth Doctor (Time Lord Robes) Figurine joins the Doctor Who Figurines Collection!…
2 21 Jul 2021The Weeping Angel Statue of Liberty Figurine captures the likeness of the world famous statue, turned into giant Weeping Angel…
21 16 Jul 2021The Black Daleks were the Dalek Emperor’s elite guards, equipped with distinctive jet-black domes and the authority to command other Daleks…
0 5 Jul 2021The Dalek Figurine from the 2005 Ninth Doctor adventure ‘The Parting of the Ways’ joins as issue 198 in our Doctor Who Figurine Collection!..
0 5 Jul 2021The Ancient One Haemovore from The Curse of Fenric A Limited Edition of only 225 figurines priced at £70 each…
44 24 Jun 2021A guardian of the Matrix of Gallifrey, the Cloister Wraith Figurine makes a perfect addition to your Doctor Who Figurines Collection…
6 26 May 2021Mestor, the cruel and gluttonous leader of the Gastropods, a species of slug-like aliens, joins the Doctor Who Figurines Collection…
1 26 May 2021