Warlord Games The Time Warrior
Scientists go missing on 20th Century Earth and the Third Doctor deduces they are being kidnapped through time…
2 11 May 2018Below are all the posts categorised under 38mm Warlord Games
Scientists go missing on 20th Century Earth and the Third Doctor deduces they are being kidnapped through time…
2 11 May 2018These military-minded villains are all near-identical in appearance. Small in stature, with large heads and stocky bodies…
2 11 May 2018General Staal, also known as ‘Staal the Undefeated’, was commander of the Tenth Sontaran Battle fleet. Staal…
0 11 May 2018This box contains the following unpainted pewter miniatures: the Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Captain Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith and Jackie Tyler…
5 13 Apr 2018Navigator Rago and his second-in-command, Probationer Toba, are accompanied by their robotic servants, the Quarks…
4 13 Apr 2018The box includes two metal miniatures: The Empress Iraxxa and Friday, and six Exterminate! game cards…
2 16 Mar 2018The latest incarnation of the Master transformed into a female form, Missy, who’s traits still held firm…
10 16 Mar 2018This boxed set contains five highly detailed pewter Ice Warrior figures, based on their appearance in the 2017…
0 16 Mar 2018Warlord Games Doctor Who Tardis…
8 16 Feb 2018This box contains the following unpainted pewter miniatures: the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams…
5 16 Feb 2018The box includes five highly detailed pewter miniatures: Tenth Doctor, Astrid Peth, Bannakaffalatta…
0 16 Feb 2018The Cybermen who settled on the planet Telos were frozen in suspended animation in giant, elaborate tombs…
4 16 Feb 2018Show off your Doctor Who collection with this neat display stand, designed so they can be stacked next to each other!…
4 22 Jan 2018Show off your Doctor Who collection with this neat display stand, designed so they can be stacked next to each other!…
2 22 Jan 2018Outwardly resembling humans of different ethnicities, the Movellans are androids from the star system 4X Alpha 4…
2 19 Jan 2018Hailing from the Last Great Time War, the Genesis Ark is a Time Lord Prison ship, which, like the…
13 5 Jan 2018One of the doctors most loyal companions, K9, is available now for FREE when you buy all 6 doctors in this fantastic multi-buy set!..
7 29 Nov 2017The First Doctor has been characterised as a crotchety old man but he was so much more, displaying childish deligh…
0 29 Nov 2017