The Masque of Mandragora CD
Forced off course by the Mandragora Helix, the TARDIS lands in the province of San Martino…
0 9 Apr 2009Below are all the posts categorised under CD
Forced off course by the Mandragora Helix, the TARDIS lands in the province of San Martino…
0 9 Apr 2009Donna Noble is back home, catching up with her family and generally giving them all the gossip about her journeys…
0 9 Apr 2009Switzerland, 1926: the Doctor finds himself halfway up an Alpine mountainside, on his way to an exclusive sanatorium…
1 5 Apr 2009“This is full scale war. Wirrn and Humankind locked in a deadly struggle for survival. When did that happen?”
0 17 Mar 2009Sebastiene was human… once. He might look like a nineteenth-century nobleman, but in truth he is a ruthless hunter….
0 12 Mar 2009India in 1947 is a country in the grip of chaos – a country torn apart by internal strife…
0 12 Mar 2009For Donna Noble, the Andromeda galaxy is a long way from home. But even two-and-a-half-million light years from Earth…
0 12 Mar 2009The ageless leader of a dying race believes that salvation lies within The Chaos Pool…
0 5 Mar 2009Jon Pertwee stars as the Doctor in this classic TV soundtrack with linking narration by Elisabeth Sladen…
0 2 Mar 2009One by one, their limbs became diseased – they were replaced by plastic and steel!…
0 2 Mar 2009A heatwave in July and a tube train is dscovered buried in twenty inches of snow…
0 18 Feb 2009With fangs like splinters, claws like knives, the Beast of Orlok gobbles lives…
1 17 Feb 2009The Doctor is caught up in events at Stangmoor Prison.Nicholas Courtney and Roger Delgado also star…
0 12 Feb 2009It’s May 1940, and Vice-Admiral Ramsey is about to finalise one of the most daring plans of the Second World War…
0 12 Feb 2009The search for the Key to Time has stalled: the next segment does not appear to exist anywhere in the Universe…
0 5 Feb 2009February, 1944: France is occupied by the Third Reich, the French Gestapo has an iron grip…
0 25 Jan 2009A new adventure in time and space for the Fifth Doctor and his new companion, Amy as they search for the Key to Time…
0 5 Jan 2009A single blow from the giant, hairy paw smashes the explorer to the ground…
0 2 Jan 2009