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Reference books Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Reference books

Meanings of the Monstrous in Doctor Who

Doctor Who has been on global television screens for nearly fifty years, and many of its most memorable protagonists have been its monsters, The Daleks…

8 25 Apr 2012

Doctor Who: Doctionary (Hardcover)

Have you ever wondered what the Doctor is actually talking about? Are you burning to find out what the Blinovitch Limitation Effect is? Or what regeneration really is?…

54 21 Apr 2012

Doctor Who Ultimate Official Episode Guide

The ultimate official episode guide to the first two series of Doctor Who featuring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor! With an in-depth look at each episode..

44 13 Mar 2012

The Complete Book of K9 Hardback book

This Hardback book is in Full Colour featuring the story of K9; from his travels in Time and Space with Doctor Who to appearing in his very series. Featuring anecdotes from many…

13 6 Dec 2011

You and Who Edited By J.R. Southall

You and Who is the definitive volume on what it means to be a Doctor Who fan. 100% of the authors’ royalties from this book will be donated to Children in Need…

10 8 Nov 2011

The Brilliant Book of Doctor Who 2012

Packed with unseen photographs and original artwork and illustrations, The Brilliant Book of Doctor Who 2012 is your indispensable guide to Series 6…

60 10 Jul 2011

Doctor Who Encyclopedia (New Edition)

Completely revised and updated, the “Doctor Who Encyclopedia” is the ultimate fan’s guide to all things Doctor Who. Packed with photos, concept drawings, illustrations and artwork…

16 8 Jun 2011

Doctor Who: 100 Scariest Monsters

It’s a big universe and there are some truly terrifying monsters out there! Here are the 100 scariest monsters the Doctor has ever encountered so far…

67 25 May 2011

Doctor Who Postcards from Time and Space

One hundred postcards of all Doctor Who’s iconic characters, terrifying monsters and incredible places the Doctor has visited in a stylish keepsake box…

21 25 May 2011

Doctor Who: The Dalek Handbook

The Dalek Handbook is your complete guide to the Doctor’s greatest enemies. It explores the Daleks’ origins, how a Time Lord intervention altered the course of Dalek history…

23 11 Mar 2011

The Doctor Who Reprint Society

With several re-issues of long out of print Doctor Who books now almost certain, there has been renewed interest in reprints of Doctor Who Novels…

8 10 Jan 2011

