Doctor Who Titan Comics 10th Doctor issue #7
Trapped in a field hospital in No Man’s Land, the Doctor and Gabby are surrounded on all sides by a force of starving Weeping Angels….
4 28 Aug 2014Below are all the posts categorised under Graphic novels and comics
Trapped in a field hospital in No Man’s Land, the Doctor and Gabby are surrounded on all sides by a force of starving Weeping Angels….
4 28 Aug 2014New Doctor! New Beginning! Offering shocks, surprises, and timestream-shaking revelations, don’t miss your chance to get on board this amazing ongoing series!..
43 28 Aug 2014When Gabby and the Doctor arrive by accident in No Man’s Land in July, 1916, they’re met by Corporal Jamie Colqhoun, a soldier who knows from bitter…
4 8 Jul 2014Still trapped aboard the SERVEYOUinc research satellite, Alice and the Doctor must unravel the mystery of the creature codenamed ‘ARC’ while staying one step …
1 7 Jul 2014With the Doctor half the man he should be, under the draining influence of an alien tourist trap, Gabriella is left to shoulder the burden of saving him, the planet…
1 7 Jul 2014Alice Obiefune always wanted to see a space station, one of those proper ones, like on television, with impressive bulkheads, sweeping corridors, and stunning views of eternity…
1 7 Jul 2014Alice Obiefune has just lost her mother when the Doctor explodes into her life. But what does a grieving young woman have to do with the career of a 70s musician…
15 24 Jun 2014Day turns to night, and the SDCC crowds turn monstrous in this pair of interlinked variants! In this issue: The tenth Doctor is back in an all-new ongoing series!…
2 24 Jun 2014Variant cover are now available to order in the UK from Forbidden Planet for a limited time only. In exchange for the invaluable assistance she offered defending New York..
7 13 Jun 2014Variant cover are now available to order in the UK from Forbidden Planet for a limited time only. Alice Obiefune has just lost her mother when the Doctor explodes..
0 13 Jun 2014Variant cover are now available to order in the UK from Forbidden Planet for a limited time only. The Tenth Doctor faces emotional armageddon in New York!..
1 13 Jun 2014Variant cover are now available to order in the UK from Forbidden Planet for a limited time only. When the Doctor last visited Rokhandi, it was a planet…
0 13 Jun 2014Variant cover are now available to order in the UK from Forbidden Planet for a limited time only. It’s Halloween, and Sunset Park is hosting its first-ever Day…
0 13 Jun 2014All variant cover are now available to order in the UK from Forbidden Planet for a limited time only. Alice Obiefune has just lost her mother…
11 13 Jun 2014All variant cover are now available to order in the UK from Forbidden Planet for a limited time only. Gabriella Gonzalez is stuck in a dead-end job…
23 13 Jun 2014This volume collects comic strips featuring the hugely successful Eleventh Doctor as played on TV by Matt Smith, alongside his companion Clara…
26 30 May 2014An outstanding volume of comic strips collecting the complete adventures of the Ninth Doctor as played on TV by Christopher Eccleston, alongside…
13 6 Feb 2014Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise have joined forces with the Doctor and his companions to combat an unholy alliance…
17 23 Oct 2013