Doctor Who Titan Comics 12th Doctor Volume 2
First, they battle an enemy who can slide between the cracks of the universe and take over unwilling human hosts – the FRACTURES! Then, it’s a hard-fought…
0 29 Jan 2016Below are all the posts categorised under Graphic novels and comics
First, they battle an enemy who can slide between the cracks of the universe and take over unwilling human hosts – the FRACTURES! Then, it’s a hard-fought…
0 29 Jan 2016Gabby and the Tenth Doctor are back on Earth, and, while Gabby tries to make good with Cindy, the best friend she left behind, the Doctor’s search for an artifact…
4 20 Jan 2016It’s the long-awaited return of a deadly foe, as the Doctor and Clara face a monster that will have you checking your stack of comics for suspicious movement!…
1 14 Jan 2016Abslom confesses a Daak secret. Alice develops a bond. The Squire recovers a memory. And the Doctor discovers the horrific truth about how…
4 14 Jan 2016The Doctor, Gabby and Cindy investigate ‘the Wishing Well Witch’ in the town of Dewbury… only to find what lurks in the well is something far worse, and more…
0 14 Jan 2016Collecting the Tenth Doctor Archives, don’t miss these fantastic adventures!…
0 7 Jan 2016Collecting the Tenth Doctor Archives, don’t miss these fantastic adventures!…
0 7 Jan 2016The Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones are travelling through time and space, protecting the oppressed, stopping evil in its tracks, and searching for the best…
0 7 Jan 2016After the petrifying reveal at the end of last issue, the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith pry further into the affairs of Lady Emily Carstairs and her legion…
4 5 Jan 2016Victorian England. A mysterious woman commands a hidden army in a house of the blind. Scryclops stalk the streets. and something alien and terrible screams…
16 5 Jan 2016The Doctor returns new companion Gabriella Gonzalez to her home in New York, for some family time after their most recent adventures – but their newest challenge…
0 2 Jan 2016The Tenth Doctor and Gabby Gonzalez are back for a rip-roaring cosmic adventure that takes them from the conspiracy-ridden streets of New York to the hidden…
0 2 Jan 2016The Doctor, Alice, Abslom Daak, the Squire and Very Special Guest Jailbreaker River Song are pulling a heist on the universe’s best-defended prison…
0 31 Dec 2015It’s Gabby’s first trip to the UK, as the Doctor shows her (and her new fellow TARDIS traveller!) around his adopted gaff. But a visit to the countryside…
2 31 Dec 2015Forced to race each other for an extraterrestrial artefact, friendships are put to the test in the most surprising of ways – and the TARDIS team changes forever!..
1 31 Dec 2015It’s the final stop on the Eighth Doctor’s enigmatic to-do list: a Bakri Resurrection Barge, where the super-rich are ‘remade’ into luxurious artificial bodies…
2 31 Dec 2015Take off on all-new time-twisting adventures inside Doctor Who Comic! This month: when the Twelfth Doctor and Clara travel for a well deserved rest in London…
9 31 Dec 2015The time-travelling thrills continue in Doctor Who Comic! In this month’s issue: the Four Doctors special event comes to an unmissable conclusion; the Twelfth…
1 31 Dec 2015