Doctor Who Titan Comics 12th Doctor Volume 5
George Mann is the author of the Newbury & Hobbes Investigations, beginning with “The Affinity Bridge”, and other works of fiction including “Ghosts of Manhattan”…
0 25 Apr 2016Below are all the posts categorised under Graphic novels and comics
George Mann is the author of the Newbury & Hobbes Investigations, beginning with “The Affinity Bridge”, and other works of fiction including “Ghosts of Manhattan”…
0 25 Apr 2016This special crossover event comic entitled ‘Supremacy of the Cybermen’ stars the Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston), Tenth Doctor (David Tennant)…
3 25 Apr 2016After the PETRYIFYING reveal at the end of last issue, the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith pry further into the affairs of Lady Emily Carstairs and her legion…
2 21 Apr 2016In Part 1 of ‘DOCTORMANIA’, the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack uncover a mysterious video. Tracking down its source could help Jack uncover why his mind…
0 21 Apr 2016BBC Worldwide North America and Titan Comics are thrilled to reveal that this summer’s special Doctor Who event comic will feature the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors…
19 19 Apr 2016The Doctor and his friends, Captain Jack included, must battle for their lives in the sinister Arena of Fear! Then the Doctor, Gabby and Cindy head to a…
1 19 Apr 2016The Doctor struggles to clear his name, and rediscovers more of what his War Doctor incarnation got up to during the Time War! Plus: the Squire uncovers her…
0 19 Apr 2016It’s a brand new year for the Twelfth, Eleventh and Tenth Doctors, meaning all-new action-packed adventures! Watch as they tackle monsters from the deep…
9 13 Apr 2016Yes, the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack are once again entangled with the Slitheen – or, to be more precise, they’ve fallen into the middle of a Raxacoricofallapatorian…
5 6 Apr 2016With the universe fraying at the seams, Anubis propels the TARDIS team on a trip into the deep, deep past, when the laws of reality were still new!..
1 6 Apr 2016Filled with new purpose, and information from the mouth of the WAR DOCTOR himself, Alice is closing in on the truth behind the Doctor’s possible-crime…
1 6 Apr 2016Rachael Stott is back on interior art as the Doctor receives a strange summons from an impossible source, and finds himself trapped inside a house of…
1 6 Apr 2016The stunning conclusion to the first year of comic adventures with the Twelfth Doctor and Clara! The Doctor and Clara face impossible odds as the Hyperions…
0 16 Mar 2016Battling a malign influence all the way from Ancient Greece to London in 1887, the Doctor is faced with a petrifying challenge – and physical evidence that…
2 16 Mar 2016Embrace all the Gothic Romance and interstellar terror of the Eighth Doctor in this new series starring the most-requested past incarnation! Collects the complete…
1 16 Mar 2016Gabby and the Doctor arrive at Wupatki, a giant network of human cities floating in the habitable zone of a gas giant. There, they meet the Shan’Tee, a species…
16 11 Mar 2016When there are innocents to save, vistas to savour, and a complete lack of savoir to faire, the twelfth Doctor will be there to challenge dictators…
0 8 Mar 2016The twelfth Doctor continues his solo adventures… or has he already welcomed a new comics companion aboard the TARDIS? We’re not telling!..
0 8 Mar 2016