Doctor Who Titan Comics 9th Doctor Volume 2
Doctor Who Titan Comics 9th Doctor Volume 2…
3 15 Aug 2016Below are all the posts categorised under Graphic novels and comics
Doctor Who Titan Comics 9th Doctor Volume 2…
3 15 Aug 2016The Tenth Doctor and friends are separated, trapped in a dangerous prehistoric gladiatorial arena without their memories; the Eleventh Doctor, with River Song’s help…
2 28 Jul 2016Evening’s Empire, a Doctor Who comic strip from the 1990s written by Andrew Cartmel, was never completed in the pages of Doctor Who Magazine. Although a…
20 15 Jul 2016The intrigue continues! While Jack infiltrates the UNIT barracks in search of the truth, Rose gets an idea of the Doctor’s life before she met him…
1 12 Jul 2016Welcome back to the 70s (or is it the 80s?)! The Doctor becomes entangled once more with the forces of UNIT when a cache of potentially devastating…
3 12 Jul 2016Can Gabby and Cindy staunch the corruption in an entity powerful enough to snuff them out with a thought?…
0 12 Jul 2016With a trail of temporal devastation in his wake, and casualties mounting among his companions, can the Doctor find the truth at last about his Time War crime?..
0 12 Jul 2016The Terror of the Cabinet Noire continues, as the Doctor finds himself teamed with a rebellious French swordswoman to battle the infamous Cardinal Richelieu…
0 12 Jul 2016Captain Jack, Gwen, and the crew of the scientific vessel Ice Maiden are plunged into a new world-threatening crisis as Jack uncovers more about the ancient evil…
0 11 Jul 2016The Doctor and Jo Grant are left reeling by the revelations at the end of the first issue, and they still have a mysterious extraterrestrial object to…
3 10 Jul 2016In this issue, the Tenth Doctor is stuck inside a gladitorial arena that pits the denizens of prehistory against each other; the Eleventh Doctor seeks…
1 30 Jun 2016Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 6 – Sins of the Father Hardcover by Nick Abadzis (Author), Elena Cassagrande (Illustrator), Eleonora Carlini (Illustrator)…
1 28 Jun 2016Supremacy Of The Cybermen #1 Forbidden Planet Variant Signed ( Caven Scott / George Mann ) or unsigned. Exiled from Gallifrey at the very end of Time…
5 10 Jun 2016Exiled from Gallifrey at the very end of Time, Rassilon, fallen leader of the Time Lords, has been captured by the last of the Cybermen. Now the Cybermen…
4 9 Jun 2016In this issue, the Eleventh Doctor goes back to the moment that created the Malignant in search desperately needed answers; the Tenth Doctor and Gabby…
9 2 Jun 2016Robbie Morrison returns for more adventures with the Twelfth Doctor, with a new comics companion in tow! Who can stand alongside the Doctor on an intertemporal…
4 1 Jun 2016Armed with revelations from the Time War, but challenged by resistance within his own ranks, the Doctor faces his most difficult hour yet as he battles…
0 1 Jun 2016The Doctor, Gabby, and Cindy face a difficult choice as Anubis’s ticking clock strikes the alarm, and the ancient Osiran’s patience finally runs out!…
0 1 Jun 2016